St. Bridget Panel #3560
Saint Bridget is one of Ireland's patron saints along with Saint Patrick. She is believed to have been an Irish Christian nun, abbess, and founder of several monasteries. This artistic stained glass panel inspires quiet contemplation. Lovely and perfectly symmetrical, this work of stained glass art inspires and uplifts, dazzling the eye and touching the heart. Richly hued in shades that cross the full spectrum of vibrant color and naturally textured, this work includes flawless imagery that brings it to life for all who experience its beauty. This exquisite panel is perfect to enhance any area of worship or devotion, reflecting the rays of sunlight, firelight or candlelight in shifting shades and patterns throughout the day and after dark. Age-old stained glass technology is blended with cutting edge technology by masters of the art in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc. to create this unique and one of a kind masterwork.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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