Cross of Five Panel #3079
This stained glass cross panel illuminates Jesus calming the sea and several of the parables He taught in a colorful, contemporary style. Shot through with rich, vibrant colors of the rainbow, this lovely work of stained glass art catches the light and casts it throughout every area of placement in shifting shades and patterns throughout the day. Dramatic and dynamic, these tableaus are brought to life by flawless, realistic imagery and meticulous detail in design, dazzling the eye and touching the heart. This piece is perfect for enhancing any area of prayerful worship, church, chapel or cathedral or as a signature work of art for display in home or business decor. Created by masters as a unique and one of a kind work of stained glass art, this panel is a true treasure.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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