Faithful David Panel #2076
In this stained glass window David is pictured with his slingshot before a swift battle with the giant, Goliath in breathtaking stained glass. Superior design in the classic ornate stained glass style, this panel is breathtaking, a study in color and light. Flawless imagery is evocative and inspirational, a beloved Bible story come to life in lovely stained glass, and elegance and grace capture the imagination and touch the heart. Dazzling hues that cross the full spectrum of color and intricate, varied textures paired with attention to design to make this stained glass work a true masterpiece. Perfect for enhancing every area of prayerful worship, this stained glass window reflects and refracts rays of light in shifting patterns throughout the day.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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