"The King is Born" by Edward Burne-Jones Panel #16620

This breathtaking stained glass inspired window by Edward Burne-Jones, housed in Winchester Cathedral, depicts the Nativity of Christ with extraordinary detail and reverence. At the center, the Virgin Mary cradles the infant Jesus, their faces illuminated with serenity and divine love. A golden halo surrounds both figures, symbolizing their sacred roles.

Surrounding the Holy Family, a host of angels with vibrant red wings sing in adoration, their postures and expressions radiating joy and reverence. Shepherds and other figures stand nearby, awe-stricken, their simple garments contrasting the ethereal beauty of the angels. Above the scene, the Star of Bethlehem shines brightly, leading the faithful to this moment of divine grace.

The intricate details of the figures, combined with the rich, deep colors and ornate Gothic framework, highlight Burne-Jones' masterful artistry and the spiritual significance of the birth of Christ. This work is a stunning testament to the beauty of faith and the enduring power of sacred art.

A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.

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