The Eagle of St John Panel #16001

For centuries, the tetramorph image with the eagle has been a potent symbol used in both religious and artistic contexts. In Christian iconography, the tetramorph is a representation of the four evangelists in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, with the eagle representing the latter. John is believed to have had the greatest spiritual insight into the nature of Christ.

Beyond its religious connotations, the eagle is a powerful symbol of freedom, courage, and strength. In religious iconography, it represents the divine perspective and the capacity to view things from a higher perspective.

Stained glass windows featuring the tetramorph can enhance the beauty and significance of any space, whether it's a private residence or a place of worship. These symbols serve as a constant reminder of the gospel message and the value of faith when portrayed in stained glass. 

A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.

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