Saint Paul with Sword and Bible Panel #15949
St. Paul wrote “And take the … sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).
To make the artistic connection to the Bible passage, St. Paul is depicted with a sword, while also holding a book, the “word of God,” .
This stained glass features a portrayal of Saint Paul, resolute and iconic with a sword and book. Saint Paul's image is brought to life with meticulous craftsmanship, capturing his unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel. In one hand, he holds a sword, representing his boldness in defending and proclaiming the Word of God. Under his arm, a book signifies his prolific contributions to the New Testament.
As sunlight filters through the glass, Saint Paul's image exudes a sense of fervor and dedication that continues to inspire. This window pays homage to his pivotal role in shaping the early Christian Church and his enduring legacy as an apostle and prolific writer. Saint Paul's dynamic presence invites reflection on his transformative journey from persecutor to preacher, and his indelible impact on the faith's growth and teachings.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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