Faith of a Child Panel #1433
Jesus said that unless you receive God like a little child then you will never enter Heaven. His great love and blessing for little children is portrayed here in this breathtaking work of stained glass art, shot through with color and reflected light to add elegance and grace to every setting. Lush, vibrant hues that cross the full spectrum of color and naturally varied textures cast ethereal tones of reflected light throughout every area of placement in shifting shades all day and after dark, making this lovely window the perfect inspirational centerpiece for church, chapel, cathedral or shrine. Perfect as part of a collection of events in the life of Christ, this glorious stained glass panel stands alone as a breathtaking portrayal of a beloved Christian teaching, dazzling the eye and touching the heart of all who are blessed to behold it.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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