Announcement to Mary Panel #1405
These panels illustrate the sacred story of the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary with the glorious news that she had found favor with God and was to bear the Messiah. Classically designed in the old world cathedral stained glass style, this tableau creates the illusion of a glimpse through a window at this holy event, bringing it to life for all who are blessed to behold it. Captivating and charming, this work of stained glass art is created in hues that cross the full spectrum of color and naturally varied textures that gleam with reflected rays of light in shifting shades throughout the day. Impeccable attention to detail and flawless imagery capture emotion in every aspect of this work of stained glass art, inspiring and uplifting worshipers in church, chapel or cathedral. Created by master stained glass artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc., this window is a treasure.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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