Babe in a Manger Panel #1403

When Mary and Joseph found no room at the inn they settled for a stable as the place to have their son, Jesus, laying the Holy Babe in a manger as His cradle. Portrayed here in exquisite stained glass, this sacred story comes to life in vivid color and texture that sparkles with reflected light. The flawless, realistic imagery in this stained glass masterpiece, from the expressive countenance of St. Joseph to the details of the stable construction that surrounds the Holy Family, brings this beloved Christian event to life for all who are blessed to behold it, capturing the imagination and stirring the soul. This lovely work of stained glass art is perfect for enhancing every area of worship with color and light, church, chapel, cathedral or shrine. Reflecting and refracting the shifting shades of light throughout the day, this stained glass window sparkles like a gem.

A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.

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