The Keys and the Pope Panel #1220
Sheep surround Jesus' feet as He presents Peter with the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Portrayed as the Good Shepherd, Jesus makes Peter the rock upon which He builds His church, commanding His followers to "feed my sheep". Depicted in brilliant color and flawless imagery, this work of stained glass art takes the believer to a new height of inspiration as the meticulous artistry brings this event to life for all who contemplate its beauty. Naturally varied textures capture and reflect shifting shades of light as they dance across the stained glass surface throughout the day, casting it about every area of quiet contemplation or worship, church, chapel or cathedral. This lovely panel also lends itself perfectly as a signature item for home or business decor. Created by master stained glass artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc., this exquisite panel is a true treasure.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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