Key to Heaven Panel #1410

Bold shades of vibrant color make this depiction of Jesus and Peter a true treasure. Hues and shades that cross the full spectrum of color blend with lovely varied textures that capture and reflect shifting shades of sunlight, candlelight and firelight throughout the day as this stained glass window provides the perfect enhancement for church, chapel, cathedral or shrine, inspiring worshipers and filling every area with color and light. Created as a one of a kind stained glass design by master artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc. this piece is crafted in the classic antique stained glass style of the great cathedral art of Europe, featuring an astounding attention to detail and perfect symmetry and balance. Framed with a unique keyhole shape, this piece dazzles the eye and captures the imagination of all who contemplate its beauty.

A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.

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